Make Solaris more friendlyMake Solaris more friendly

February 12, 2010
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Of course, most Solaris users are at an advanced level and those little nice things in a Linux console don’t matter that much. But I like to be more productive and enjoy using all the features I can get from a console. So here’s how I am customizing my Solaris console: 1. I am using […]


Despre prietenii…Despre prietenii...

February 4, 2010

Citeam acum pe blogul unei cunoștințe că “N-am avut niciodata mulţi prieteni. Doar multe cunoştinţe“. Și asta mi-a completat revelația pe care am avut-o în urma unor discuții mai sincere cu cei pe care îi încadram în categoria prietenilor (și încă o fac). Mi-am dat seama că de fapt termenii de prieten și cunoștință nu […]


Cross-domain AJAXCross-domain AJAX

January 28, 2010

When using AJAX, there is a cross-domain security restriction that does not allow accessing an URL with a different domain than the one of the page that contains the script (the script’s domain). For most AJAX applications, this is not an issue, as you can host the data on the same domain. But let’s consider […]


Crăciun fericit!Crăciun fericit!

December 25, 2009

Probabil că sunt cuvintele cel mai des auzite şi citite zilele astea. Şi, dacă sunt spuse din toată inima, chiar ne bucură, căci exprimă bucuria naşterii, a sărbătorii, a veseliei. Dar… ce este Crăciunul? Răspunsul educat ar fi ceva de genul “Crăciunul este sărbătoarea naşterii lui Iisus Hristos…” s.a.m.d. Dar dincolo de asta, ce este […]


SSH with PuTTY through a proxySSH with PuTTY through a proxy

December 18, 2009
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For security reasons, I had to set all my server’s firewalls to accept connections on the SSH port (22) only from my office IP. I would have added my home IP addres in the access list, if it would have been static. But at home I have a dynamic IP so I can’t use IP-based […]


VPN Client for Windows 7 x64VPN Client for Windows 7 x64

December 11, 2009

Recently I had to connect to a VPN which was tested to work with Cisco VPN Client. The problem is that on Windows 7 x64 there is no way you can run Cisco VPN Client. Older versions just won’t work, and the latest version won’t even install (saying that there is no support for this […]


Rotating an image on a web pageRotating an image on a web page

November 21, 2009

This post is about rotating an image on a web page – that is not rotating more images (slide-showing them). It’s about rotating an image with an angle. Why would that be useful? If you want to put an image rotated by an angle on a web page, the easiest would be to make a […]


ImageFlow on the first pageImageFlow on the first page

November 10, 2009

For this site I wanted to use an imageflow-type gallery on the index page. There I will upload several pictures of mine 🙂 The first thing to try was searching an already-made module for wordpress. I couldn’t find one that was the way I wanted – either they were old, not working, bulky, slow, ugly, […]


“deviant-thumbs” plugin"deviant-thumbs" plugin

November 9, 2009

When building this site, I thought I should add some color to it. And because I am a fan of DeviantArt, I looked for a way of showing several images from there in the sidebar. I discovered, after some search, the plugin deviant-thumbs, which actually got updated to version 1.9.2. It works great – it […]


Hello world!Hello world!

November 6, 2009

Sau cum s-ar zice pe românește, ”Bine te-am gasit, lume!”. Știți cum iau naștere lucrurile – mici, neajutorate, nepricepute… La fel și acest site, micul meu blog și ”spațiu web”, care se dorește a fi o colecție de gânduri, lecții și evenimente – toate constituind o parte din ceea ce mă construiește pe mine, profesional și personal.