Rotating an image on a web pageRotating an image on a web page

November 21, 2009

This post is about rotating an image on a web page – that is not rotating more images (slide-showing them). It’s about rotating an image with an angle. Why would that be useful? If you want to put an image rotated by an angle on a web page, the easiest would be to make a […]


ImageFlow on the first pageImageFlow on the first page

November 10, 2009

For this site I wanted to use an imageflow-type gallery on the index page. There I will upload several pictures of mine 🙂 The first thing to try was searching an already-made module for wordpress. I couldn’t find one that was the way I wanted – either they were old, not working, bulky, slow, ugly, […]


“deviant-thumbs” plugin"deviant-thumbs" plugin

November 9, 2009

When building this site, I thought I should add some color to it. And because I am a fan of DeviantArt, I looked for a way of showing several images from there in the sidebar. I discovered, after some search, the plugin deviant-thumbs, which actually got updated to version 1.9.2. It works great – it […]


Hello world!Hello world!

November 6, 2009

Sau cum s-ar zice pe românește, ”Bine te-am gasit, lume!”. Știți cum iau naștere lucrurile – mici, neajutorate, nepricepute… La fel și acest site, micul meu blog și ”spațiu web”, care se dorește a fi o colecție de gânduri, lecții și evenimente – toate constituind o parte din ceea ce mă construiește pe mine, profesional și personal.